
When potential clients approach your business, what is the first thing they see? Your signs draw consumers’ attention, attract them to your enterprise, and tell them where you are. If done poorly, your signs might also drive potential customers away. Your business signs create that all-important first impression and sum up your company’s brand for all the world to see. But, how can you be sure your first impression is a good one? To help you with this question, Gotham Signs & Graphics has put together this list of factors to consider when buying business signs in Westchester County NY:
1. Are There Restrictions on the Types of Signs You Can Have?
The types of signs your organization can have are usually governed by your municipality’s ordinances. For example, there may be restrictions on how your sign can be lighted, what colors can be used, and the size of your sign. Your landlord or property management company may also have its own restrictions. In some office parks, businesses are required to use the same fonts and colors to create a consistent appearance.
2. What Do You Want Your Signs to Say?
Your signage is a 24 hours a day, seven days a week marketing tool. So, you want to be sure that you include your business’s colors, fonts, and logo so that your markers go with the other visual aspects of your brand. Try to at least use colors and typefaces that tie in with your brand if your logo is too complex or if you cannot use it because of the above restrictions.
3. Ensure Your Signs Are Easy to Read
You have likely seen stores with signs that are in a beautiful script that looks nice, but you have no way of making heads or tails of their name. And, if you are driving by at 35 miles per hour, there is no chance of you reading it. Keep in mind that your sign is there to get prospective new customers to notice you and to help consumers find you. Your sign needs to be large enough and contrast enough for people to be able to read it from far away.
4. Where Should You Put Your Sign?
A sign that looks beautiful when lit at night may be hard to see during the day due to the sun’s glare. It all depends on where it is installed. Try testing a banner with the same typefaces, font sizes, and colors you want in different places around your building before investing in a permanent marker. This will show you the best sign location.
5. Look into Adding More Signs
Attract more attention to your enterprise by finding out what additional signs your landlord will allow. For example, if it is impossible to see your business from the road because it is set back, consider installing directional signs near busy streets.
These are just a few of the things you need to think about when you want signage. Fortunately, our experts are skilled at taking your ideas and turning them into top-notch signs that meet all of your needs. For a free consultation on business signs in Westchester County NY, contact Gotham Signs & Graphics today!