After finding us through networking with other businesses, QualiTest Group came to us for a sign that would look professional and be welcoming at their new office location. QualiTest is a company that designs and delivers QA and software testing solutions. The company focuses on the software that drives companies and works against defective software that results in lost clients and users, along with revenue impacts and security breaches among other major issues.
QualiTest is the world’s second largest pure play testing company and has experience based not only on thousands of completed projects but a company history of visionary work.
When creating a lobby sign to greet visitors at their new location, their attention to detail and integrity was at the forefront of design work. We created ½” thick custom routed acrylic that was painted to exactly match the colors of the company. Each piece was cut with exact edges to ensure it was the best aesthetic representation of their logo and company values.
Overall, the project took only a few weeks from the initial consultation to the end of the installation. The client was happy with the result, particularly the image of the company it portrayed.
Lobby signs are a great way to greet customers and show them the level of detail your company takes when it comes to business. When creating this sign for QualiTest, we looked at more than simply replicating an image. Instead, we looked at the exact colors, exact positioning, and the quality the company puts into its own work when creating the solution.
The most important part of this sign was the details. From the yellow swoop hitting the exact spot on the large Q to where “software testing experts” was installed under the logo, getting each detail exactly as it appears on the logo was imperative.
Another important detail, as was important in this project, was the coloring. “Test” and “software testing experts” was done in the same black acrylic but “Quali” was done in a different blue color, as is done in their two-dimensional logo. This was done purposefully for the play on words of the company’s name and to create more dynamic in the lobby sign.
Do you have a new location that you need to have branded? Contact us today to find out how our team of professionals can help with your new endeavor. From lobby signs to wall decals, we can help.