
You are not alone if you have been thinking about installing channel letters for your building. Channel letter signs are one of the most popular options for our clients these days. They are highly visible 24 hours a day and seven days a week, allow for some wonderfully creative dimensional designs, are beautiful to look at, and are energy efficient. We usually install them inside of high-end shopping malls or on the exterior of buildings. To help you understand your options, Gotham Signs & Graphics has put together this helpful guide to channel letter for White Plains NY.
What Are Channel Letters?
It is crucial that you have a good foundation of knowledge before you go sign shopping. This will help you choose the best channel letter marker for your needs. Channel letters are essentially made of individually fabricated 3D shapes and letters. Our team constructs the letters. Aluminum is our preferred material for the letter frames since it is rust resistant. Based on the overall size of your sign, the letters can vary from two to six inches in depth or possibly deeper.
A translucent acrylic is used to cap each letter. We get a lot of requests to make these faces white, but they can be any color you want. To light the sign, we install LEDs inside of each letter. LEDs are preferred because they are cost-effective, eco-friendly, and energy-efficient. Plus, they are unaffected by extreme temperatures. The finished product is highly visible during the day and stands out after dark.
Types of Channel Letters
Add a dramatic and beautiful twist to the standard channel letter with reverse-lit signs. With this alternative, the back is left open. Therefore, the light is directed out of the back instead of lighting the faces of the letters. A distinguished halo of light surrounds each letter as the illumination spills onto the wall or back panel the sign is mounted to. Reverse-lit channel letters are typically all aluminum and painted black to get all of the light to go out of the back.
The letters are usually mounted on a panel or raceway once they are ready to be installed. However, we are also able to individually mount the channel letters directly to the façade of your building. The designer may finish the overall appearance by adding other accents or elements at this time.
Why Pick Channel Letters?
Channel letters continue to grow in popularity because they:
- Help you stand out from your rivals
- Allow for several design solutions
- Are heavy duty, long-lasting, and low-maintenance
- They are highly visible from far away
- Make your organization look bigger than it is
- Use low voltage DC power
- And many other reasons!
We proudly provide channel letter maintenance, design, permitting, repairs, installation, and fabrication for all of Westchester County. If you read this guide to channel letters for White Plains NY and are interested in taking advantage of this option, contact the friendly professionals at Gotham Signs & Graphics today for a free consultation and quote.