
You must have Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant signage if you operate a retail store, government building, medical office, or large company in New York. It can be tough figuring out exactly what markers are needed when you already have so much on your plate. Thankfully, Gotham Signs & Graphics has put together this guide to ADA signs in White Plains NY to help you learn about what signage is required.
What Signs Do You Need?
Only rooms inside your building that have a permanent use are required to have ADA signs. For example, a room that started as a storage closet, was converted to a copy room, and is now a file room would not need ADA compliant signage. On the other hand, when you have a board room that does not change its function over the years, you must install ADA markers.
The ADA does not require you to label individual office cubicles unless the furniture is bolted to the floor. However, we still suggest that you add compliant numerical signs to identify different cubicles since it is helpful and cost-effective. As a facilities manager, you want to help employees and guests find their way around, so it is usually worth the extra effort to do more than the bare minimum to make your venue more accessible.
Does the ADA only Cover Room Signs?
Room signs are just part of the ADA compliance puzzle. For instance, you must also label all exits and exit routes in your venue to be in compliance. Also, markers used to identify exit doors and stairwells that lead to hallways or outside must have Braille. Plus, there is an array of exterior ADA signs you are required to have, such as handicapped parking signs and signage that shows handicapped-accessible routes for entering your facilities.
Temporary signs that you will only be using for a week or less are not required to be compliant under the ADA. But, be careful! If you are hosting a convention, trade show, or any other event, you cannot cover up your permanent ADA signs with temporary signs used for the event. We often go to conferences and cringe when we see this mistake.
Signs Used for Marketing Purposes
Signs used for the display of your business’s name and for other marketing purposes do not need to meet the guidelines. But, it just makes sense to utilize high-contrast, non-glare, raised character markers to highlight your company’s name when you want consumers of all abilities to be able to locate you.
If you have made alterations to your building since you last installed ADA signs, you may no longer be in compliance. If you want to know for sure whether you are leaving yourself open to fines, lawsuits, or offending your clientele, contact the friendly professionals at Gotham Signs & Graphics for a free consultation. We will survey your building and let you know what signs you need to meet regulations. We will then provide you with alternatives that fit your budget, branding, and goals.
Contact us today to learn more about ADA signs in White Plains NY.