
There are about 420 roofing contractors in White Plains. Customers looking for painting contractors have to wade through roughly 548 listings. For plumbing contractors, there are 1,414 pros. Mind you, these are just the contractors who are local to White Plains. There are plenty more from nearby cities who also do work here. In short, if you want to stand out from the crowd, protect your territory, and bring in new clients, you need contractor work van graphics in White Plains NY.
Which Graphics Setup is Right for You?
Look around you. There are plenty of different types of graphics products on the market. Your budget and taste determine what setup to select. Options abound.
- Full wrap. The full wrap covers the entirety of the vehicle’s exterior except for the windows. Go for the gusto with the presentation of a persuasive sales and brand message. Some clients have chosen images that look like vignettes from a commercial. Others focus on cartoon-like characters.
- Partial wrap. When you choose 75-percent, 50-percent, or 25-percent vinyl coverage, you are picking out a partial wrap. We like to incorporate it with the paint job of the car. That said, you might choose to do something different. Some members of the local business community have had excellent success with creating a clear border between the wrapped and painted portions.
- Graphics. Pick your corporate logo as well as niche-specific images. Underscore what you do even if your name makes it clear. The visual aspect helps with the creation of brand awareness. Prospective customers connect your name with your niche.
- Lettering. Can you get attention with lettering? You bet! Envision a unique paint job with your company’s name and logo all over the vehicle. It saves you money and offers an exciting visual contrast.
What Elements Could Your Message Include?
Of course, the message of your contractor van graphics is just as important as the coverage. Typically, there are three elements to consider.
- Services menu. A services menu is a smart way of explaining what you do. If you are introducing your company to a new territory, doing so is vital. Another advantage is the ability to create a need in the consumer’s mind that your business can then fill.
- Contact details. It is always a good idea to offer multiple ways of getting in touch. A phone number makes the most sense. But do not forget to present a website address or social media handle as well.
- Differentiation. How do you set yourself apart from the competition? If you are in a highly competitive field with plenty of local and out-of-town contractors vying for the consumer dollar, it makes sense to spend a little room on this information. Consider a tagline, motto, or brief sales slogan. It acts as a mnemonic device even as it shows the consumer why doing business with you makes the most sense.
Buy Contractor Work Van Graphics in White Plains NY
We got you covered. If you need help with full or partial wraps, graphics products, or lettering, the experts at Gotham Signs & Graphics can help. We create the eye-catching setup that gets attention. Call us today to get started on your project.