
LED readerboard signs or electronic message centers are an effective form of advertising.
After all, the average consumer spends 20 hours per week in their vehicle and drives 200 miles per week. So, outdoor signs that are easy to read and see during all hours of the day increase the chances your advertisements will be seen.
Furthermore, 71 percent of consumers look at messages on billboards and readerboards, and one-third look at the same sign as they pass it each day.
How to Create Content for Your LED Readerboard Signs that Gets Noticed
You want to take advantage of the consumers always driving by your business and get maximum return on your readerboard investment. So, you need proper content rules when creating your messages.
- Less is More: When someone drives by, they don’t have time to read a paragraph. So, less is more with readerboards. Furthermore, do not cram your board with small font— otherwise, you dramatically decrease how many people see it.
- Contrast Colors: Use contrasting colors, mixed font sizes and spaces. However, keep it neat and readable from a distance.
- Strike Pain Points: One of the more basic principles of copywriting is pain points. You want to strike on a consumer’s emotions, identify their issues and solve them. Add something funny, post a question or share an interesting fact.
- Second Person: Speak directly to your audience by using “you” and “your” rather than first or third person.
- Relevance: Christmas posts should not display in January, just like a funny spring advertisement should not still run in the fall. Always keep the content relevant and fresh. If you consistently show the same message, people are less likely to check your sign for updates.
Order a Custom LED Readerboard Sign for Your Business
Readerboards get noticed, and they can help establish your business in the community. To deliver your message, order your customized readerboard from Gotham Sign & Graphics.
Contact us at 914-315-6120 for LED readerboard sign quotes or contact us online.